Welcome to my personal website. Here you will find my Curriculum Vitae as well as links to some of my other stuff.
I am currently employed as a scientist ("Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter") at the University of Münster, Germany, where I am part of the Clinical Epidemiology group at Institut für Epidemiologie und Sozialmedizin. Read more about the Clinical Epi group here.
Previously, I work in the PandemiX research group at Roskilde University, Denmark, working on historical epidemiology and COVID-19.
Read more about PandemiX here.
In my Ph.D. I worked with mathematical modelling of MPNs, as part of the Cancitis Research Group.
Read more about Cancitis here.
Interactive SIRS-model
Article (in danish)
Interactive SIR-model
Article (in danish)
Interactive COVID-19 alpha variant
Article (in danish)
Interactive figure of viral load (COVID-19)
Heatmap comparing the number of new hospitalizations due to COVID-19 in different age-groups, depending on vaccination-status. Shows the number of hospitalizations per 100,000 citizens in each age-group, including the raw numbers. When I made the figure, the public focus was about the number of new hospitalizations, without regard for the size of the corresponding population-group in general (As an example, week 46 had 80 hospitalizations among vaccinated 80+-year old, with "only" 13 among the unvaccinated in same age-group. Relative to the population-groups however, the unvaccinated where three times as likely to be hospitalized).
Supplementary figure to the heatmap, illustrating the number of new hospitalizations and hospitalizations per 100,000 for a specific week. To illustrate the main point, I also illustrated the proportion of hospitalization of 20-29 year olds as dots representing 5% of the population-group.
Illustration of the progression of a naive calculation of the COVID-19 case-fatality rate (CFR) for Denmark from the start of the pandemic until April 2022. The figure shows how CFR declines as the vulnerable are vaccinated, increases as the Delta-variant dominates, and then again declines as booster-vaccinations are carried out and the Omicron variant dominates. Inspired by a similar figure for the UK created by John Burn-Murdoch.
Development of educational material with the purpose of student-recruitment for the educations at Roskilde University, consisting of a short article, a worksheet and a video.
Material available online: https://ruc.dk/undervisningspakke-epidemier-og-matematiske-modeller
Interactive figures showing model-calculations of the COVID-19 wave in Denmark during the summer of 2021. Increased vaccine-uptake and reduced sociatal infection meant that COVID-19 was dying out. The arrival of the Delta- and Omicron-variants meant that later COVID-19 waves occured at the end of 2021. Developed for (Danish) article on Videnskab.dk: https://videnskab.dk/krop-sundhed/kaploebet-med-covid-19-kan-det-naa-at-gaa-helt-galt-eller-er-vi-allerede-i-maal/
Visualizations available online: Interaktivt/CovidSommer/cases Interaktivt/CovidSommer/hospData
Illustration of the viral load of an individual following a COVID-19 infection, and different testing strategies. The figure illustrates how frequent tests with a less sensitive test (e.g. lateral flow tests) can be better at detecting infections when compared to less frequent tests with a higher sensitivity (e.g. PCR-tests). Developed as part of PandemiX's modelling support of governmental investigation before the roll-out of the massive Danish COVID-19 lateral-flow testing strategy at the beginning of 2021.
Visualization available online: InteractiveViralLoad
Decreasing COVID-19 infections following Christmas 2020/2021 and the arrival of the B.1.1.7 variant (later named Alpha), meant that, despite decreasing infections, an increase could be expected within a couple of weeks. Prediction made around week 5, and ended up being accurate for the following weeks. Developted for (Danish) article for Videnskab.dk: https://videnskab.dk/naturvidenskab/britisk-variant-lurer-stadig-denne-interaktive-beregner-viser-hvorfor-vi-er-noedt-til-at-holde-fast/
Visualization available online: InteractiveExponential
2020, 2021, 2022
The SIR-model is a classic model within epidemiology, and one of the mathematical arguments behind the COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, I made a number of interactive visualizations of the SIR-model for make it easier for laypersons to get an intuitive understnaindg of how the model works, and the model parameters.
Developed for (Danish) articles for Videnskab.dk:
Visualizations available online:
Interactive/SIR/ and Interactive/SIRS/ and Interactive/SIR_simple/
2016 and 2017
Long before COVID-19 made disease-spread and epidemiology common terms, I worked with mathematical epidemiology as a student. During my education, I was part of the Science Show at Roskilde University, in which we made public dissemination of various student-projets in an effort to attract new student to Roskilde University. For the Science Show presentations, I developed an agent-based visualization of the SIR-model, to illustrate different epidemiological aspects.
Visualizations available online:
Rasmus K. Pedersen, Mathias M. Ingholt, Maarten van Wijhe, Viggo Andreasen, Lone Simonsen
Rasmus K. Pedersen
Nikolaj U. Friis, Tomas Martin-Bertelsen, Rasmus K. Pedersen, Jens Nielsen, Tyra G. Krause, Viggo Andreasen, Lasse S. Vestergaard
Rasmus K. Pedersen, Morten Andersen, Thomas Stiehl, Johnny T. Ottesen
Rasmus K. Pedersen, Morten Andersen, Vibe Skov, Lasse Kjær, Hans C. Hasselbalch, Johnny T. Ottesen, Thomas Stiehl
Mathias Mølbak Ingholt, Tzu Tung Chen, Franziska Hildebrandt, Rasmus K. Pedersen, Lone Simonsen
Marc J.B. Dam, Rasmus K. Pedersen, Trine A. Knudsen, Morten Andersen, Christina Ellervik, Morten K. Larsen, Lasse Kjær, Vibe Skov, Hans C. Hasselbalch, Johnny T. Ottesen
Rasmus K. Pedersen, Morten Andersen, Trine A. Knudsen, Vibe Skov, Lasse Kjær, Hans C. Hasselbalch, Johnny T. Ottesen
Rasmus K. Pedersen, Morten Andersen, Thomas Stiehl, Johnny T. Ottesen
Marc J. B. Dam, Rasmus K. Pedersen, Trine A. Knudsen, Morten Andersen, Vibe Skov, Lasse Kjær, Hans C. Hasselbalch, Johnny T. Ottesen
Johnny T. Ottesen, Rasmus K. Pedersen, Marc J. B. Dam, Trine A. Knudsen, Vibe Skov, Lasse Kjær, Morten Andersen
Rasmus K. Pedersen, Morten Andersen, Trine A. Knudsen, Zamra Sajid, Johanne Gudmand-Hoeyer, Marc J. B. Dam, Vibe Skov, Lasse Kjær, Christina Ellervik, Thomas S. Larsen, Dennis Hansen, Niels Pallisgaard, Hans C. Hasselbalch, Johnny T. Ottesen
Johnny T. Ottesen, Rasmus K. Pedersen, Zamra Sajid, Johanne Gudmand-Hoeyer, Katrine O. Bangsgaard, Vibe Skov, Lasse Kjær, Trine A. Knudsen, Niels Pallisgaard, Hans Carl Hasselbalch, Morten Andersen
Morten Andersen, Zamra Sajid, Rasmus K. Pedersen, Johanne Gudmand-Hoeyer, Christina Ellervik, Vibe Skov, Lasse Kjær, Niels Pallisgaard, Torben A. Kruse, Mads Thomassen, Jesper Troelsen, Hans Carl Hasselbalch, Johnny T. Ottesen
Contributed Talk
Invited presentation
Contributed Talk
Contributed Talk
Contributed Talk (Cancelled due to Corona-Virus)
Online talk given for "Statistics and Biomathematics Seminar"
Contributed Talk
Talk at "Stem Cell Modelling Day"
Poster at "SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems"
Poster at "European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology"
Talk at Studiensfonds Community Conference, Bielefeld, Germany
Talk at DataViz CPH meetup
IDA webinar (In danish)
Talk at "Processing Community Day 2020"
Blog post for "Mathematical Oncology" blog
Physics A-level / Mathematics A-level