Lightning talk for Processing Community Day 31st of January 2020
Science influences decisions about the world.
Scientists must be able to communicate their work!
Ph.D.-student in mathematics at Roskilde University.
Collaboration with clinicians from Roskilde Hospital.
A big challenge: I'm not a doctor.
A bigger challenge: The doctors are not me.
Two examples of interactive simulations.
Based on complicated mathematical models.
Purpose: Post on mathematical blog.
Purpose: For educating high school students.
Diseases that spread in a population of people.
Predict how fast diseases like e.g. Ebola, Measles or Corona-virus spread.
Classic example: The SIR model (Susceptible, Infected and Recovered,).
How do you communicate it to someone who hasn't spent a whole career working with it.
Science communication is fundamental for society.
Creative coding can a way to make science more relatable.
Important to have tools that make visualization and interactivity easy (e.g. Processing and p5.js)
With my limited experience with p5.js, I have still made something useful for communicating science.